How To Fix Titanfall 2 “Contacting Respawn Servers”

CREATE A NEW ENVIRONMENT VARIABLE A Titanfall 2 multiplayer compatibility bug with 10-11 generation Intel processors is a confirmed cause for the “Contacting Respawn servers” error. However, players with PCs that have incompatible Intel processors can still address the Titanfall 2 “Contacting Respawn servers” by creating a new environment variable. Try creating a new environment variable, as follows.

enter image description here


A Titanfall 2 multiplayer compatibility bug with 10-11 generation Intel processors is a confirmed cause for the “Contacting Respawn servers” error. However, players with PCs that have incompatible Intel processors can still address the Titanfall 2 “Contacting Respawn servers” by creating a new environment variable. Try creating a new environment variable, as follows.

  1. Activate the Windows file finder by clicking its search box or button on the taskbar.
  2. Enter the keyword edit the system environment variables into the search tool.
  3. Select the Edit the system environment variables search result.
  4. Click Edit Variables on the Advanced tab.
  5. The Environment Variable window
  6. Press the New button for System variables.
  7. Input OPENSSL_ia32cap into the Variable name box.
  8. Next, enter ~0x200000200000000 into the Variable value box.
  9. The New System Variable window
  10. Click OK in the New System Variable and the Environment Variables window.
  11. Restart your PC after creating the new system variable.

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