People Who work a lot on the computer and has several moments of pause, looking for an easy way to supplement their income and take out some money from the internet, using one of the many opportunities offered, office or home. The traditional way to earn money on the Internet is, of course, work to make websites but this is a real profession that can be done full time or part time.
we see the 8 best ways to make money on the internet , citing viable businesses from anyone without deception and without fraud.
1) Selling on Ebay. Anything that you do not really need can be put up for auction on Ebay. ‘s new Ebay makes it really easy to create a profile to seller and just insert some pictures and a description of the object to sell online. ‘s only commitment is shipping the item and the only cost is that of a premier account onpaypal to make the occasional seller. Though technically there is nothing difficult, however it takes some practice to sell successfully. should treat the creation of the product sites become convincing and reliable in feedback, without giving buyers expect. More positive feedback you get, the more you can sell with ease. It ‘also important to set minimum bids to ensure reasonable people to buy. If you do not have anything to sell, it is not illegal to buy, perhaps always using Ebay, a stock of some products abroad at discounted prices (eg Chinese tablet) to then resell them individually. Beware tax and customs tariffs.
2) Write a blog on the Internet, you can always start and create a new blog, attract readers using social networks like Twitter and Facebook and make money from advertising. Creating a blog earn money is easy and straightforward : You can go to , record your own blog, insert advertising using Google Adsense program and then start writing (see also “ Making money with a blog and advertising of Google Adsense ”) Plus the site is seen, more you earn though, to get to do a Euro must have at least 500 visits (depending on the topic, but even less), which is not easy especially if you do not have anything interesting to write. The important thing is not only the inspiration but also the perseverance to write daily or almost daily. Blogs Some started well, went on to become the sites of thousands of visits (for example the famous Giallozafferano).
3) Always remain within the “writing”, instead of creating and treat your own blog you can write as Freelance for someone else . You can write the night or day, from home or office and at any time. There are many sites that seek writers, contributors, copy-writer and blogger, sometimes paying well (3 to 5 Euro per piece) even if you have to be careful not to be exploited for a few bucks. Unfortunately there are also sites such as the Huffington Post that Italy pays its bloggers, giving them the “ visibility ”, much money poor exchange rate of currencies. Everything depends on the quality of writing required, the time it takes to write a post and a passion for a topic. Personally I always recommend to open their own blog, and when you work for yourself the reasons you triple.
4) Create and post videos on Youtube . ’s website Youtube video can enroll in an online advertising program that, more videos you upload the more they are seen online, the more you earn.’ve written on this subject already in the post “ How to make money with YouTube .
5)Give repetitions online If you are familiar with an academic subject or a foreign language, you can give reps online video conference with the student, course fee. There are some sites that manage the supply and demand of repetitions online (I’ve never tried) as or . if you know English well, opportunities will expand significantly with the most powerful sites like .
6) Propose projects for web design, digital graphics and photography . If you are good with graphics programs such as Photoshop, you can propose a project or start one all right on site as and .
7)Sell homemade items This is perhaps the most genuine and fun way to make money from home using the internet. You can go back to being artisans and create original products of all types: bags, shoes, clothes, objects of decoration, jewelry and what you want. The showcase is offered free of charge from the site , the best e-commerce site in the world where anyone can open your own online store and selling their creations. Unlike eBay, the products must be original.
8) Sell T-shirts Online Selling T-shirts on the Internet could not be easier. fact there are websites that offer everything you need: t-shirt, printing and shipping. Anyone can then design a logo or a text and create your own t-shirt to sell online. sites are best Cafepress and siorattutto which is in Italian. If you know other ways to make money on the Internet, please leave a comment, but without reporting sites contests, trading, gambling and other things, where you can earn but you can also lose. We would also like to put on guard against all the offers of easy money 10 times out of 10 that are just scams.