5 tips to start your ecommerce Business

The e commerce is fashionable .

n recent times every businessman or entrepreneur worth his salt has in mind to create an online store to sell through a worldwide network and while it is true that the potential market is worldwide and that potential customers are millions , but the reality is somewhat different.

In all my years of experience in e-commerce , ecommerce or call it whatever you like I’ve never seen a project that meets the initial expectations of the owner. Especially when this is based on the premise of market and potential clients. The reason? They tell many lies (or half-truths).

So I decided to stay up, if you plan it started in e-commerce, some major lies or half-truths that can cause you to fail:

Your market is limited . Though the network unites us with everyone and say that the potential market is worldwide, THIS IS NOT TRUE. come delimited Our market mainly by geographic location and language . Focus on your country is a good goal to start with, so although this is not entirely true either believe it bother you at all at the beginning of your journey.

You must be patient, things are going slowly. experts in countless blogs (and some less experienced) will talk about how cheap it is to set up shop online compared to a traditional business or save 1.0 because at many points that are important. However, do not forget that an online store needs to be known, build trust and be easy to find (search engine out) to have return on investment. The whole process can start completed between 4 and 9 months , depending on the sector to which it is intended.

Investing in promoting what you have saved elsewhere. Maybe your project consists in selling umbrella covers. It’s possible. But that business, like any other, requires a communication strategy that allows to present our products or services in the best way possible and, above all, more profitable. But besides promoting communication is essential (or almost) that invertase advertising of your main products. I normally recommend Google AdWords to publicize your products / services and, in addition, I can provide vouchers of different amounts free. Successful online presence, not amateur. you must believed that successful online presence is to have an account on every social network and update the profiles of grapes to pears or automated while writing on Facebook. This attitude is wrong and may have consequences in the short or medium term. I advise to have the support of professionals, but in case you can not / will afford you can download my ebook “ The ABCs of social networks ”where you can learn some important clues about successful online presence.

Competing on price is Chinese. Without wishing to miss the Chinese, but the truth is that in our country (Spain) have been looong years playing at cheap prices to customers and sell more and in many cases all went perfectly, but there are always some exceptions. If you are a price compete for you can always find someone who will offer cheaper per whatever reason, so change the chip and offers something that only you can offer as you do … for example: personal attention . As you can see my tips are simple, but also honest and realistic. If you plan to start an ecommerce project keep them in mind and you will save more than a dislike unnecessary.

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