Dynamic Views: Everything You Know Is Wrong About Blogging in 2021

“Do not listen to anything I said, but still, do what I told you.”

All you know and all that I have said about blogs is completely, 100% wrong. And so, you’re doing it wrong.

6 Steps to blog the wrong way.

Let’s start from the beginning. I like to read and people have told you that your opinions matter. Therefore, the next logical step is to start a blog and share those opinions with the world.

You’re going to Google and searching “how to start a blog” and get a lot of results pages with technical details that can or can not understand, until you find the “Oasis in the desert” … “10 easy steps to start the blogging “and read it.

you read over and over again and then you are browsing many more sites that give you easy to follow rules to get you started on blogging in no time.

  • Make sure your items are less than 500 words (no one likes to read a lot).
  • Includes no less than 2 and no more than 3 pictures in each article.
  • Performs research two hours for every 300 words in each article.
  • Write a lot of style item: “How to …”
  • Find 10 bloggers who I admire and try to imitate their styles (without being noticed) .
  • Write on your blog between 4 and 5 times a week.

Ready! Now you’re on the right track in no time and everyone will be talking about your blog, which will also be the reference in your niche. enter image description here

The Truth About Blogging .

Are there certain rules and practices that are widely accepted in certain groups? Sure, but there are a lot of people who have become well-known people simply for not following the standards and practices.

(This is not unique to blogs. The same is true of classical literature and art.Do not believe me? … just look at Picasso and Salvador Dali , among many.)

Is it important to have good grammar and correct spelling? Probably. Is it possible to avoid this rule? I’m sure if, just enough to surf the Internet to see it. What do you think about this?

The Answer

So what is the answer? How is it possible for you to blog if there is no right way to do it?

Be yourself

Without any doubt, you must be true to who you are . Make sure your personality is felt in each of your items every time you write in your blog, because it is to do with what people are going to connect. Never before in the history of communication we had the opportunity to reach and connect with so many people at such a personal level, since the advent of the Internet into our lives.

Use it to your advantage.

Advice on Blogging …

If you ever read this article you will see that not once have I told you, you should not read or follow the tips and advice on how to make your blog better … but everything starts with you always. What you always have to keep in mind is that you stay true to yourself and your personality is seen in each and every one of your articles. And that’s where I come. Those who hire me, either to improve your blog, or create a new one, forget something very important … what they want from it. So I help them clarify their personality and personal brand .

But how do you discover this for yourself?

When it comes to figure out what your personal brand , what you love really, that’s when problems arise. In my experience, this is what most drawbacks presented to anyone who wants to be defined, you want to define your personal brand online.

Here are some questions to help you in that process (and believe me, it is very important that you define your personal brand.) Write the answers to these questions and you’re on the road to discover who you are online.

  1. What makes you better than others?
  2. If you could have one superpower to solve the problems of your audience, what would it be?
  3. Describe yourself or your business described in less than 20 words.
  4. Ask someone you trust to describe or describe your business in less than 20 words.
  5. What motivates you?
  6. What scares you?
  7. Describe your reader / customer / audience ideal or perfect.

These are some of the questions they pose to those who wish to have a blog or website with WordPress and market themselves through it, but I think it is important to know so you know how you see yourself. Now, write only about what is in your heart.

If you need help getting started or create a blog, these are the steps to follow in the first instance and find a few articles on this blog that will help, but when it comes to being yourself, no one can tell you how to do it .

Now is the time to stop blogging the wrong way to stop and listen to me. Everything I said in this article is correct … unless wrong.

For your success.

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