Help! Weird Name Files in My WordPress Directory! – here’s why strange files and directories in your wordpress directory

Help! Weird Name Files in My WordPress Directory! – here’s why strange files and directories in your WordPress directory

You may have been hacked, this happened to me a couple of weeks ago for the second time. what happened is i have been using the same an updated plugin for years, why? because there is non like it and to me it is the best and although i have no knowledge about coding and I’m just a blogger trying to make a living I feel like I must keep it.

My downfall! someone hacked that plugin and is now using it to add files to my directory that can be used to do a lot of things such as launching DDoS to other sites and also as a space to serve pesky ads.

The solution is to contact your administrator in other to return to a previous backup of your WordPress if not delete the files along with any weird plugins or themes you recently installed.

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