What is Xdefiant ?
Tom Clancy’s XDefiant is a free-to-play, fast-paced arena shooter that combines intense gunplay with personalized loadouts and specialized factions, as teams of gunfighters – called Defiants – battle for domination.
With the closed test being region locked to NA, it’s kinda disappointing. Everyone signed up for Xdefiant closed beta at the same time and yet it’s region-specific. If you’re anywhere else other than the US or CA then you won’t be able to play Xdefiant.
It’s 2021 and Ubisoft more than has the capability to provide servers for all regions to include everyone. PC only, I get it, that makes sense as it’s a lot easier to make adjustments, etc. It’s just infuriating that we get excluded because of our region and can’t even watch the xdefiant gameplay as we wait due to NDA.
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